Quiz:General effects of electric current

The general effects of electric current differ for man, woman and child.

For the same amount of current, women generally have worse symptoms then men.


What is the effect for each current value ?

Electric current (contact for 1s)


Below 1 mA

1 mA

5 mA

6-25 mA (women)

9 to 30 mA (men)

50 to 150 mA

1 to 4.3 A

10 A


Electric current (contact for 1s)


Below 1 mA

Not perceptible

1 mA

Threshold of feeling,

5 mA

Slight shock. Not painful.

6-25 mA (women)

Loss of muscle control

9 to 30 mA (men)

Freezing current, "can't let go". The person may be thrown away from the power source.

50 to 150 mA

Extreme pain. Respiratory arrest. Muscles reactions. Possible Death.

1 to 4.3 A

Fibrillation of the heart. Muscular contraction and nerve damage occur. Likely death.

10 A

Cardiac arrest, severe burns. Death is probable